I Booked a Session with a Medium… Now What?

By the time I was seventeen I had lost two grandparents.  Their loss devastated me.  I used to shut myself in my room and talk to them.  I could feel them with me.  I would have conversations with them.  Even I thought I was a bit crazy but I didn’t care because it felt amazing to be with them again even if it was only in my imagination.  Fast forward a few years to summer break my junior year of college.  I was a lifeguard at the time and worked with a girl who had lost her mother.  She talked passionately about wanting to have a session with John Edwards so she could talk to her mom again.  At the time John’s show, Crossing Over, was on air and as the world was being exposed to mediumship I was realizing for the first time maybe my experiences were more than just my imagination.  I remember watching Crossing Over and being mesmerized.  This man was sharing memories of these peoples loved ones.  Evidence of their presence not just in that moment but in other moments since their passing.  How was that possible?  The skeptical side of me ran through every possible scenario to prove it all false and yet in my heart I knew it was real.  Skepticism is a tricky thing.  Why was I so adamant about proving something false that I wanted more than anything to be real?

In my years of delving into this work I have discovered the spectrum of expectations people have when they book a session with a medium are extreme.   Some people are happy with the slightest bit of evidence, others want names, dates and social security numbers and then there are some who want specific pieces of information and nothing else will do.

Wherever you happen to fall on the spectrum here are a few bits of information that can help you to have a fulfilling experience.

  1.  First it is important to understand the job of a medium is to provide evidence of the spirit world.  That evidence can come in many forms but it will rarely, if ever, come in the form of a social security number.  Generally spirits provide evidence of their work, memories they shared with you, significant moments in their life  and the things that were important to them.
  2. It is not up to you or the medium what information will come through.  I have had many readings and my grandma never misses a chance to say hi.  The first thing most people say when it comes to my grandma and me was that we played cards.  A lot of cards.  We were actually in the middle of a game the day she passed away.  However, only once in all the readings I’ve had has cards ever been mentioned.  I used to think that was crazy.  From my perspective cards are one of the most important things I remember about my grandma how could they not pick up on this.  For awhile attaching to this one specific piece of evidence prevented me from being fully present in my sessions.  I kept waiting for the mediums to say cards that I wasn’t hearing the evidence they were actually providing.  When I finally let that one piece go it was amazing to remember all of the other moments I had with my grandma.  It also made the moment I heard a medium say ‘cards’ all that more special.
  3. No medium can ever guarantee who will come through.  This can be painful to understand and accept when you want nothing more than to connect with a specific loved one.  However, the spirit world is very intelligent.  They know what you need and that is what they will give to you even if it differs from what you want.  Trust there is an intelligence behind what is happening and be open to those who do show up, they have come for a reason.
  4. Sometimes the medium will get it wrong.  It happens.  If something doesn’t make sense to you it’s ok to say “no.”  Communication with the spirit world is very subtle and mediums work to establish a vocabulary that generally consists of their own experiences, signs and symbols.  It is a vocabulary that is constantly expanding and evolving.  When a medium receives a ‘no’ it is an opportunity for them to go back and communicate with the spirit to set the information straight.  Don’t try to make the information fit, let the medium do the work and straighten it out.
  5. Keep your responses to simple yes, no or I don’t know’s.  Mediums call this being a good recipient.  Don’t give away information.  You’re there so the medium can give  evidence to you not the other way around.
  6. Sometimes the connection is simply not there.  It does not mean they’re a phony.  Everyone has off days or appointments that don’t click, mediums are no different.
  7. The spirit world is not there to give you advice or help you make decisions.  Generally they will bring up current situations you are facing to acknowledge they are present and aware of what you are going through but they will not interfere with your free will.  I find they usually want to offer encouragement or show their support for the things you know in your heart to be the right course of action.
  8. They will present themselves as you knew them.  They are the same person they were in life they just no longer have their physical body.  However, you may find your loved ones change the more you connect with them.    This work is as much for them as it is for us.  Spirits learn, grow and heal through this work as much as we do.
  9. Most mediums charge for sessions.  Whether the medium does it as a pastime or it’s their full time job they have bills to pay just like you and their time is valuable.
  10. Enjoy the experience.  You’re connecting with the spirit world and it’s amazing.

25 Ways to Nourish Yourself

Crop Love2

25.  Plenty of Rest:  Know your body.  If it needs a full 8 hours of sleep don’t try to thrive on 6.  I survive on 5-6 but I thrive on 7-8.

24.  Yoga: Go to your mat and find that space where your body and mind meet…revel in it.

23.  Journal:  Get it out of your head so your mind can focus on other things.

22.  Read: Self-Help, Inspiration, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, whatever it is allow yourself to get lost in a story that isn’t your own.

21.  Get a massage:  Allow someone else to work out your kinks for awhile.

20.  Laugh: A lot!

19.  Watch the Sunrise/Sunset:  Sit back, relax a moment and take in the wash of colors spilling over the Earth.

18.  Workout: Boost your endorphins while you treat your body right.  My favorite cardio blast is spinning.

17.  Be creative:  Take that jewelry making class you keep saying you want to take but never do.  Is there really a better time than now?

16.  Meditate:  Allow your thoughts to slow and your mind to calm so you can consciously choose the direction you wish to go.

15.  Take a Bath:  I am a bath lover and there is nothing more relaxing than submerging myself in water and listening to the quiet sounds of a candle flicker.

14.  Sacred Ceremony:  Step outside of time and into ceremony.  Blow your intentions into a candle and light it every day, build a sand painting, join others in a full fire ceremony, whatever feels right for you .

13.  Alter:  Create a sacred space to hold your intentions, dreams, and anything you may be working through.  Spend time with it each day to honor them and yourself.

12.  Eat Right:  Listen to your body and nourish it with the foods that truly make it feel good.

11.  Dinner for One:  Take a break from the norm and treat yourself to a dinner where the only special occasion is you.  Allow yourself the opportunity to truly fall in love with your company.

10.  Snuggle up for a Movie:  Kick back and snuggle up to a good flick with some popcorn, cocoa and a few good friends.

9.   Routine Checkups:  It takes a lot more energy to worry and procrastinate than it does to make an appointment and get everything checked out.  Knowing everything is fine alleviates much unnecessary stress so your energy can be put to more productive use.

8.   Dream Boards:  Collect pictures of your dreams and create a physical piece of art you can enjoy any time.

7.  Animals:  There is so much to learn from animals and so much joy they can bring into your life.  Even if you don’t have animals of your own find ways to connect with them.  Sit outside and listen to the birds.  Help at a local animal shelter.  Visit your dear friends loveable bulldog.  Whatever feels right for you.

6.  Take a Vacation:  Even if you can only escape for 24 hours, do it.  Break up your routine.  Get out of town.  It is much easier to relax if you don’t have your daily “to do’s” around to distract you.

5.  Out with the Old:  Get rid of what no longer serves you.  Clothes, shoes, makeup, furniture, anything and everything that doesn’t resonate with who you are becoming.  Make space for what you truly want.

4.  Get Outside:  Dig your toes into the Earth.  Splash around in the water.  Feel the wind on your skin.  Warm your hands by a fire as you look up at the moon.  Connect with the energy in nature and see how quickly you feel rejuvenated.

3.  Chat it Up:  Meet up with some old friends and find time for some new ones.  You never know what gifts your connections can hold if you don’t make the space for them.

2.  Write:  Everyone has stories to tell…what’s yours?  Tell your own story or the one you’ve been meaning to write for years…Write it.

1.  Keep it Simple:  If you are finding yourself with a long list of to do’s, take it one check mark at a time and trust it will all get done.  There is no happiness in making things more complicated than they need to be.  Simplicity is so much more enjoyable.


Give Love:  Say “I Love You” as often as you can.  Never miss an opportunity to gift someone with love, especially yourself.

Scorpio New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse

Tomorrow’s New Moon in Scorpio joined with a Total Solar Eclipse, represent powerful transformations and new beginnings.  Scorpio is a sign known for its heated passion, penetrating awareness and intensly deep emotions protected by a decpetively calm surface.  When we encounter a Scorpio New Moon we are offered the opportunity to dig deep under the surface and uncover areas where we feel out of control.  To clean out the nooks and crannies of our minds and emotions so we can put an end to self destructive behaviors.  With this potent combination we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.  It is an oportune time to deal with matters of intimacy, power, control and money or connect to your inner creativity and intuition.

 To honor this incredibly transformative time I’m offering $50 session through Thursday, November 15th.  Contact me today to set up your session if you want to take full advantage of this powerful opportunity!


Life has a wonderful way of bringing you miracles. Your job is to receive them even if they don’t look exactly how you imagined they should!  Surrender what you think needs to happen for your dreams to come true.  Ask for what you want, know you will receive it, release your fears and embrace the unknown journey with wonder and excitement.  Be KIND to yourself and BELIEVE you have the power to manifest all of your dreams, because you do.  Why scare yourself into worst possible scenario’s?  Uncertainty doesn’t need to be frightening.  Trust everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now, and you are safe, secure and protected at all times.  Surrender the struggle and embrace the unknown, it’s a beautiful thing! 

“To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders!” ~ Lau Tzu

Dare to Dream…

What would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail?

What goals would you pursue, if you knew your desired outcomes were assured?

What would your life look like if you believed dreams really do come true?

So often, we focus on what we see right now, and if our dreams don’t look how we imagined they would, we give up.  We abandon the process because we are unwilling to believe in the outcome.  We can’t see “how” our  dreams will occur so we tell ourselves they aren’t possible.  A dear friend gave me a wonderful analogy I’d like to share:

If you want to remodel your kitchen, you don’t grab a sledge-hammer and begin demolishing your cupboards.  You hire a specialist to make your vision a reality.  During the remodel, as your kitchen is being torn apart, you stay sane by remaining focused on the end result.  You don’t panic and give up when your dishwasher is torn out, because you trust the process.  You trust the specialist knows what they’re doing.  You understand a new foundation has to be laid down so your new dishwasher will function properly.

You want to take this same idea and apply it to your dreams.  You chose the outcomes you want and ask the universe, the specialist, to make them happen for you.  Getting upset or giving up on your dreams when the process gets bumpy or takes unexpected turns is the same as getting angry at the specialist for tearing your dishwasher out.  If you believe in the outcome, you will trust in the process knowing everything is happening in perfect order, right now, no matter how chaotic things appear. 

Believe in the outcome…trust in the process…manifest your dreams!

The Power of a Positive

According to the The Blair Institute on Thought Process the average person has close to 68 thousand negative thoughts a day.  Can you imagine what would happen if you switched even a quarter of those thoughts to positive?  Affirmations are a way to help train the brain to start seeing things from a “glass half full” perspective.  They help focus your mind on what you want rather than what you fear helping you create the situations you desire.  Stating what you want to be true allows you to emotionally see and feel it as true.  At first, it may feel like a lot of work and there may be moments you fake it until you make it, and that’s okay, it’s all a part of the process.

Key things to remember when working with positive affirmations:

  • Always keep it in the present tense as though it’s already manifested
  • Keep the statements positive – stay away from “I don’t” and replace it with “I do”
  • Unless you’re writing it down you may want to keep it short so it’s easy to remember
  • Repeat it to yourself every time you’re mind begins to wander down a negative path – Remember you don’t want the negative thoughts to overpower the positive
  • Try to find a positive emotional connection to it – this will help strengthen and quicken the results

Examples to try:

  • I am open and receptive to all good.
  • Life supports me.
  • I am at peace with my sexuality.
  •  I choose balance, harmony and peace.
  • I am valuable.
  • I am becoming more of my true self everyday.
  • I believe in miracles.
  • I accept myself completely.
  • I succeed with ease.